Licata Custom Knives

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Odds and ends

Stainless steel back plate for license plate .120 inch thick

More Custom motorrcycle parts coming very soon

Before and After pics of custom steel rear fenders and lights added to trike.


After replaced with rear steel fenders

stainless steel fender overlays .070 inch thick

Trunk suspports for trike made from 3/4 solid stainless hex bar and 1/8 thick stainless steel plate

9 layers of .070 thick stainless steel for the front fender

Stainless steel bolts that I mirror finished the heads and then inlayed abalone shell into

contact me for special orders size, length, metric, standard

Not in stock but I will make on demand license plate bolts for motorcycles

stainless steel 5/16 bolts with polished heads and abalone inlay

each shell will be unique